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Est. 1921

Religious Studies



What is the curriculum aim / vision for this subject?

  • We aim to develop our students into critical open minded thinkers who complement the ideals of modern Britain and worldwide values.

What do we expect students to get from this subject?

  • We expect our students to gain a better understanding of themselves and of others in order to be well rounded individuals who will make a positive contribution to our country and to the world at large.

  • We also expect our students to enjoy learning and attain academic progress within this subject.


How does learning develop over the five years?

  • The Curriculum is structured as a progressive unitary and linear learning, where students in Years 7 to 9 are introduced to the understanding their own values and the values within the six major world religions. 

  • The GCSE and A-level Philosophy courses provide relevant learning contexts by exploring: philosophical, religious, spiritual, moral and cultural aspects of the course with a view of developing creativity, enrichment of cultural diversity and critical thinking.

What principles have guided our decision making in developing this curriculum? What is distinctive about our curriculum?

  • We believe that students learn best through discussion, evaluation and analysis of issues that are relevant to their lives. This allows for students to enjoy the subject while learning. Underpinning this idea, is themed 'Big Question' approach across all year groups.

  • The aim of assessment is to continuously check students' understanding of component knowledge and to develop analytical and critical skills.

How is the timetabled curriculum supplemented or enriched by other approaches to learning?

  • We enrich our curriculum though what we have called ‘Exploratory Teaching.’  

  • The open ended learning is mostly student led following selected themes on key issues under discussion in the media at the time. These will also involve outside speakers and visits to religious places of worship.

In what ways does our curriculum help to develop…?

  • Cultural diversity and identity: This is at the centre of our curriculum. We promote multiculturalism through an understanding of the value of each culture and the understanding of people/our students as individuals.

  • Physically and mentally healthy lifestyles: We constantly challenge students to adopt mental and physical healthy lifestyles.

  • Community participation: Through outside speakers and visits to places of worship around Liverpool.

  • Careers and enterprise: Through links/awareness of the opportunities and skills needed for various jobs/roles in society.

  • Technology and the media: Use of media and awareness of the benefits and dangers of the modern media.

  • Creativity and critical thinking: Through engagement and love of learning.


What forms do assessments take? What is the purpose of assessment?

  • Our assessment criteria aim to identify any gaps in understanding so that they may be addressed prior to completion of composite tasks, using our big question approach.

  • Another key aspect of our assessment is feedback. Feedback is used to inform teachers and learners of what next step to take in the learning journey. Assessment and formative feedback are geared to letting students have a clear understanding of what they have done well and how they can improve their learning.

How do we know if we have a successful curriculum?

  • Students enjoy and achieve good levels of academic attainment. They know more and can remember more.

  • Feedback through students’ voice suggests that their experience is positive.

  • Feedback from parents is positive.

  • Staff evaluations of the curriculum we offer are positive.

  • Good levels of uptake in the options process at Key Stages 4 and 5.



Click here for the Religious Studies Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map for 2022/23



Click here for the Religious Studies Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map for 2022/23


For more information, click here to visit the Key Stage 4 courses page.


Year 12

Click here for the Year 12 Curriculum Map (Foundation Subjects) for 2021/22 Academic Year

Year 13

Click here for the Year 13 Curriculum Map (Foundation Subjects) for 2021/22 Academic Year

For more information, click here to visit the Key Stage 5 courses page.