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Est. 1921

Parental Engagement 

Calderstones School has for a number of years offered additional support to a targeted cohort of students through the usage of 'Achieve and Succeed' events. These are held in the evening and are usually based around either the Head or relevant Key Stage co-ordinators for Maths, English and Science presenting strategies on how parents can help with their child's learning. These can be different strategies depending on the year group of the student that is being targeted for that particular event.

You can find a PowerPoint presentation below on how Parental Engagement is an important part of the learning process here at Calderstones:

Below are links to the most recent 'Achieve and Succeed' event held virtually in which our Headteacher plus the Key Stage 3 co-ordinators for Maths, English and Science took part in:

Mr Ratcliffe/Mrs Evans:

Mrs Duffy - English Key Stage 3 co-ordinator

Mrs Gilbert - Maths Key Stage 3 co-ordinator

Dr Turner - Science Key Stage 3 co-ordinator