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Est. 1921


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Go4Parents and Go4Students is available both to parents at home and students in school. This allows parents and students access to today's assessment and attendance information as well as timetable information and progress reports.Everything needed is all in one place and, crucially, what is seen is in step with the latest information available within Calderstones School – not just a progress report from earlier in the year. All information is provided in a simple and easy to understand format that is convenient to access.

From September 2014, the majority of all reports/assessments have NOT been printed off and sent home to parents/guardians. Access through Go4Parents will be the primary access point for all progress documents.

Key features and benefits:

  • 24/7 access to today's information, including target grades and attendance statistics. It isn't just a portal to allow the download of progress reports a certain points during the school year.
  • Real-time, subject-specific assessment information and access to course descriptions.
  • Access to progress reports online, either as web pages or as great-looking PDFs that can be printed at home if required.
  • Student timetables can be viewed online.
  • Any contact changes/updates can be sent to the school via a contact details update form.

For any queries or issues regarding Go 4 Parents, then please email contactus@calderstones.co.uk.

You can view a quick overview video about Go4Parents below: