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Est. 1921

Catch-Up Premium

What is the Catch-up Premium?

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

The purpose of this funding is to enable schools to deliver additional support, such as extra resources, individual tuition or intensive support in small groups, for those students that most need it.

Principles of Catch-up Premium Funding at Calderstones

At Calderstones we use this extra funding to provide additional support to pupils in Year 7 in order to ensure they make progress more quickly so that they are able to reach their full potential. We assess the needs of individual pupils to decide the best way to use the funding. Examples cited by the Department for Education (DfE) as to how this funding might be used include:

  • individual tuition
  • intensive small-group tuition
  • external services and materials
  • summer schools that help students catch up over a short period of time

You can find examples of effective approaches and programmes in the DfE’s summary of research into literacy and numeracy catch-up strategies. The Education Endowment Foundation also provides evidence-based information on Reading at the Transition.

The school is also able to access the results of Key Stage 2 SATS on a question-by-question level basis. This means that members of staff are able to target individual students in specific ways and develop more bespoke intervention packages than they have in the past.

Click here to view the Strategies and Impact Document for Catch up Premium